Here are some cosmos I had a couple weeks ago.

Here is Mr. Handsome helping me with leaf raking last weekend.

Today I moved all the stuff from the backyard, except the grill, into the garage and put the wood table and two chairs on the patio and the other two wood chairs in the basement. Put away the hoses. No chance of parking in the garage this winter and just now when I took out the trash, there was wet snow on my car windshield.
Also Amy and I went to the Anderson's and I bought this rug. It's greener than it looks in this picture.

Also I went to Big Lots to get nonskid backing for the rug and got a fabulous Halloween witch thing for $3 and a Popeil nut chopper for $5 AS SEEN ON TV.
Friday we went to Findlay to see Stacy Mitchhart. What a cluster of dining. We went to Waldo Pepper's where they said there was an hour and a half wait. So we go to the Bistro on Main where it's a 25-minute wait so we go to Wilson's Hamburgs where we stand around for 10 minutes and never get near the ordering line and so we go back to Waldo Pepper's where now it's only a 5-minute wait so we eat there and it is lackluster. I need to Trip Advisor this. And several other places I've been lately. We shoulda coulda woulda eaten at Revolver. Damn.
Like last night we went to Trattoria Sofo where it's buy one get one free entree from a select list of entrees and Amy and I both get a veal dish and burp all night from the sauce which is very gravy like. The waitress didn't ask if we wanted dessert or coffee. Connie was well pleased with her selections.
Tonight I watched From Dusk til Dawn which is very wacky: George Clooney, Quentin Tarantino, Juliette Lewis, Harvey Keitel, lots of shooting, gore, vampires, various undead.
Yesterday I did a radio show and washed the kitchen floor and finally got all the Halloween lights down and went to the library and reserved the next copy in of the new David Sedaris and the new Annie Proulx and I got a set of CDs to learn Spanish in my car. And I went to Meijer for the few groceries I buy: broccoli, Soft Scrub (because I had the Meijer knock-off brand of it which clean 50% as well), yogurt, wine, milk, cat litter. And I cleaned the bathroom and took the clothes out of one dresser drawer which I meant to continue Saturday night but we went out to eat and played cribbage instead.
So overall, it was a good weekend. Let's check the list:
Pulled annuals to garden waste
Order new bedroom throw rugs--DONE
Wash kitchen floor--DONE
Affix light in closet
Clean out closet
Clean out dresser
Wash windows
Watch From Dusk til Dawn that I have from Netflix--DONE
Well, some things remain but I hadn't counted on all that outside stuff today. Plus I paid bills. It's a nothing at night week this week so MAYBE I can get on that dresser/closet stuff.
Saturday is Chicago Rhythm and Blues Kings at GFT. I say let's eat at Cucina beforehand.
Amy is toying with a Christmas season card party. Let's hold her to this. Dec. 13 and 20 are both open.
Plus I think I'll buy this cabinet from Penney's in black and putting it in the "dining room" for wine glasses and stuff.
Plus I found TWO Springer's Holiday Tuneage CDs on eBay and bid on them. I'm still the high bidder. One ends Tuesday and one Wednesday.
And I went to an estate sale in Old Orchard Friday and bought 2 GlasBake casseroles for 75 cents each which apparently are antiques and a microwave oven glass insert for Sherry which I hope fits.
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