So while we are at Chip's Friday night, Tamra and Mark stop by and Tamra starts telling me about this story she heard on Story Corps on NPR. It's a story about some woman with an inflatable bra back in the 30s or 40s whose bra blew up on an airplane, which I didn't even realize people FLEW back then. After she was done, I asked Tamra what was it about this story that reminded her of me but I guess it was just that at some point, we had discussed what Story Corps aficiandos we both were. Mostly Story Corps has these stories that are so sad like this one about some guy who got adopted in the 50s. They are on at 8:28 on Fridays so I only hear them if I am late to work. Which usually I am.
The rest of the weekend was very relaxing. Although Sunday I did have to go to work about noon and straighten out that video recording problem. Which actually didn't get solved until Bill the IT guy restarted the cable modem Monday morning.
I cleaned out the weeds between the garages again because that damn grapevine started to grow wildly again. Dammit. Then I made some food to eat off and on this week. Finally washed my kitchen floor. With all this rain and sun, the new garden bed is absolutely VERDANT. Photo coming soon.
Plus I am hot to re-landscape the front of my house now. EVERYTHING MUST GO. Let me know if you have some good idea about pulling those stumps out of the hideous green bushes although I may just cut them to the stumps and plant around them. I have a lot of plants in the back that are too crowded that I can start with out front.
Wednesday is GNO at Sherry's. I thought she had it last July but I see that it was the swap which would have been at Martha's. And I had July in 2006 so when was it we were at Sherry's?? Sherry had it in June 2006. When I believe it was cool and damp.
Saturday is the pond party. It starts at 1 for grazing and swimming and the dinner is at 6:45.
July 10 is Mississippi Heat at GFT. July 12 is Nick Moss at the Blue Devil and Unknown Hinson at Frankie's, which I think I might try to make both of, by leaving the Blue Devil around 11:30 and getting to Frankie's in time to see the Hinson as there are 3 acts before him. Plus we're seeing Nick Moss in Wheeling anyway. Which will be here before you know it.
My project this weekend is to sort and tidy my CDs. OMG they are a mess. I know I have some that I can't even find. Plus a bunch that have no track listings so are useless for the radio show. And Connie, I have your blues calendar.
Talked to Miss Jenks for an hour last night who is just delighted with her new house. Maybe I'll go out there the end of September and view it. I know, I said I didn't want to get on an airplane again this year but I might. She still has not committed to when she might come here. Like maybe the week during which she could see Todd at the Ark and then go to Wheeling OR the week that ends in the Swamp. Jim Kiernan is going out to see her starting this Thursday for a week and Paul and Ann are showing up there on July 8 to relieve her of some her excess furniture, including my double bed which will now live at Paul's new hunting "cabin" in Montana.
There are many fireworks displays available so don't limit yourself to the local ones.
All my aching body parts have finally seem to be repaired so I'll try and get to the gym tomorrow night. And maybe Thursday.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
the little sweeper that could and stuff
This is LaRoe's patio in Grand Rapids where Connie and Amy and I had dinner a couple weeks ago. It overlooks the brown and churning Maumee.
So here are the New Orleans pictures. This is the grandpa figure I told Wendell Albrecht I'd take on my many travels and take pictures of and so far, this is the only one I have. He's in the lobby of the Maison St. Charles.

Here's Tom on stage.

More band photos in my usual can't take a good picture in the bar kind of way.

Bourbon St.
The garden at Bacchnal Wine and Spirits.
Anne and Tom there.

Tom and Jessica there. They are both much better looking than this but of course refuse to act sensible when I'm trying to take their picture.
A cool bike.

Lil Bryan and the Travelers at the Zydeco Fest. Funky zydeco!

Some other band on another stage at the fest.

The crowd at Lil Bryan.


Blueberry shortcake at Commander's Palace.

Creme brulee with powdered sugar fleur de lis.

The giant pork chop, sausage, egg, potato brunch thing I had. My pictures of food always make them look like bad leftovers, or worse.

The garden at Commander's Palace.

I have this ancient Electrolux vacuum cleaner that is even older than this one. Today I tried to vacuum that carpet in the living room with that damn Shark one I bought and it won't pick up anything. So I drag this sucker out of the basement and although the plug looks as if it's been chewed by a dog and I think it was, and it hasn't been used in about 10 years, it performed like a champ.

Last night, Mr. Hutchings was nice enough to invite us all out for poker. It was me and Stubbs and Amy and Chip and Kim (Coma G) and Jim. Coma G cleaned us out.
Today, I went to Frank's Sales and bought an air conditioner for my bedroom that is the same size and brand as that piece of shit I bought at Loew's and cost $20 more and it is whisper quiet and works great. I'm taking that other one back. Dammit.
It is steaming hot summer here although no thunderstorms look to be on the way. I have been cleaning my house in an industrial way since I got home from the radio show at 2. There is still much to do and I will be keeping on it until my home returns to its former cleanliness.
Around noon I notice there are no recordings of the news since that software update WorldNow did earlier this morning. So I call up there just now and alas, something's amiss so I had my part-timer Jennifer call World Now to see what's up. I'm sure it will not be their fault. Never is. Christ, I'll probably have to go up there in the morning.
I had the talk with Russell Thursday night and he was of course dismayed and when he left for Crosby Gardens Friday before I got home from work, he still left a ton of his stuff in the basement. I told him he could come back ONLY the Wednesday and Thursday of the week before the Swamp but he has to leave in the evenings before I get home from work. So today, I find a bunch of plastic grocery store bags under the sink and when I pull them out, they are all crusty and stained with coffee. Plus he was using over half my fridge and on and on and on. He told me about some people he had stayed with for five months for several years and I thought to myself, these people must have no spine. He used my laundry detergent up. All right, I'll stop now.

Here's Tom on stage.

More band photos in my usual can't take a good picture in the bar kind of way.

Tom and Jessica there. They are both much better looking than this but of course refuse to act sensible when I'm trying to take their picture.

Lil Bryan and the Travelers at the Zydeco Fest. Funky zydeco!

Some other band on another stage at the fest.

The crowd at Lil Bryan.


Blueberry shortcake at Commander's Palace.

Creme brulee with powdered sugar fleur de lis.

The giant pork chop, sausage, egg, potato brunch thing I had. My pictures of food always make them look like bad leftovers, or worse.

The garden at Commander's Palace.

I have this ancient Electrolux vacuum cleaner that is even older than this one. Today I tried to vacuum that carpet in the living room with that damn Shark one I bought and it won't pick up anything. So I drag this sucker out of the basement and although the plug looks as if it's been chewed by a dog and I think it was, and it hasn't been used in about 10 years, it performed like a champ.

Last night, Mr. Hutchings was nice enough to invite us all out for poker. It was me and Stubbs and Amy and Chip and Kim (Coma G) and Jim. Coma G cleaned us out.
Today, I went to Frank's Sales and bought an air conditioner for my bedroom that is the same size and brand as that piece of shit I bought at Loew's and cost $20 more and it is whisper quiet and works great. I'm taking that other one back. Dammit.
It is steaming hot summer here although no thunderstorms look to be on the way. I have been cleaning my house in an industrial way since I got home from the radio show at 2. There is still much to do and I will be keeping on it until my home returns to its former cleanliness.
Around noon I notice there are no recordings of the news since that software update WorldNow did earlier this morning. So I call up there just now and alas, something's amiss so I had my part-timer Jennifer call World Now to see what's up. I'm sure it will not be their fault. Never is. Christ, I'll probably have to go up there in the morning.
I had the talk with Russell Thursday night and he was of course dismayed and when he left for Crosby Gardens Friday before I got home from work, he still left a ton of his stuff in the basement. I told him he could come back ONLY the Wednesday and Thursday of the week before the Swamp but he has to leave in the evenings before I get home from work. So today, I find a bunch of plastic grocery store bags under the sink and when I pull them out, they are all crusty and stained with coffee. Plus he was using over half my fridge and on and on and on. He told me about some people he had stayed with for five months for several years and I thought to myself, these people must have no spine. He used my laundry detergent up. All right, I'll stop now.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Nearly July
I have not even blogged since my stunning victory in court for my traffic ticket! I went last Friday to the Sylvania municipal court. At 10 a.m., someone came out to tell me they were still waiting on the officer. Around 10:15, I was shown into the prosecutor's office. He shook my hand and told me it was my lucky day, the officer had not received a subpoena and the case would be dismissed at no cost to me. So we go downstairs to the court room and the judge ALSO says it's my lucky day and I say But I've brought exhibits and the judge says to the prosecutor She sounds disappointed and the prosecutor says Trust me, she's not disappointed and we all laugh and they tell me to have a nice weekend. Justice, just the way I like it.
Amy and I were going to go to Detroit to see the Deadstring Brothers last Saturday but there was massive thunderstorming here and up there so we decided to go to Hines Farm instead and we were glad we did. We got there at 7 and got the last two seats at the bar. The place was packed with 50-ish white people. You never know what the crowd will be like out there. The music was great and business was booming. We stayed til about 10:45, at which time we walked out into the grassy parking lot and both stepped into a ditch and fell flat on our faces although we were not tanky. Neither was injured.
The next day, Amy decides her driver's license has flown out of her purse upon falling, so we drive back out there but alas, the license was on her dining room table all along.
The Hines Farm website seems to work now. Plus they are having Big James and Chicago Playboys there July 12, the same day as everything else: BG classic car show, Les Robertson art opening, Nick Moss, Unknown Hinson. Of course, Big James is also at GFT on Aug. 8 and at the Swamp Sept. 5.
My knee somehow got screwed up at the start of the New Orleans trip so I've been babying it and downing sane amounts of ibuprofen. Monday, it was more swollen than ever so I wisely go the gym and do the elliptical for 20 minutes, after which I see on webmd I should be babying it and taking non-sane amounts of ibuprofen. And icing it, which I have done 4 times in the last 2 days so I'm hoping it will get better faster. It is improved today already. As you know, I must be bleeding profusely from my eye sockets before I will go to a doctor.
Really, I'll be getting those New Orleans pictures up any day now.
Also Sunday I took down the cracked bamboo fence piece. I have a new one but have not got Amy over to help me with it yet. I also bought some bamboo fishing pole-like pieces to brace the new piece when it goes up. Also bought some tomato cages for those plants that are growing like crazy and a plant support ring for the red coreopsis that was growing fine but fell over because its stems are not sturdy enough. It is all budded up so I hope it blooms soon. Also, all the flowers I planted from seed are up but probably need to be thinned before they'll bloom. And some other plants have sprung up in the new bed that may be zinnia but are probably weeds.
Russell was supposed to come back Sunday night but didn't show up until sometime last evening while I was over at Amy's. I will have to speak with him tonight or tomorrow about how he cannot come back in September nor next year. I think I will couch it in the "It's not you, it's me" motif because it is indeed me who likes living alone and likes having chocolate left over in the cupboard and likes not having dishes in the drainer that have been merely rinsed and remain egg-encrusted.
Although I still will probably only take the two days, Tuesday and Friday, off the week between Labor Day and the Swamp so I can have a couple days to go out to North Dakota again and see Miss Jenks's new house. She advocates me coming before the snow flies. She has still not committed to when she might come here this year, although she toys with the week in which she could see both Todd and the Wheeling Blues fest OR the labor day/Swamp week.
Amy and I were going to go to Detroit to see the Deadstring Brothers last Saturday but there was massive thunderstorming here and up there so we decided to go to Hines Farm instead and we were glad we did. We got there at 7 and got the last two seats at the bar. The place was packed with 50-ish white people. You never know what the crowd will be like out there. The music was great and business was booming. We stayed til about 10:45, at which time we walked out into the grassy parking lot and both stepped into a ditch and fell flat on our faces although we were not tanky. Neither was injured.
The next day, Amy decides her driver's license has flown out of her purse upon falling, so we drive back out there but alas, the license was on her dining room table all along.
The Hines Farm website seems to work now. Plus they are having Big James and Chicago Playboys there July 12, the same day as everything else: BG classic car show, Les Robertson art opening, Nick Moss, Unknown Hinson. Of course, Big James is also at GFT on Aug. 8 and at the Swamp Sept. 5.
My knee somehow got screwed up at the start of the New Orleans trip so I've been babying it and downing sane amounts of ibuprofen. Monday, it was more swollen than ever so I wisely go the gym and do the elliptical for 20 minutes, after which I see on webmd I should be babying it and taking non-sane amounts of ibuprofen. And icing it, which I have done 4 times in the last 2 days so I'm hoping it will get better faster. It is improved today already. As you know, I must be bleeding profusely from my eye sockets before I will go to a doctor.
Really, I'll be getting those New Orleans pictures up any day now.
Also Sunday I took down the cracked bamboo fence piece. I have a new one but have not got Amy over to help me with it yet. I also bought some bamboo fishing pole-like pieces to brace the new piece when it goes up. Also bought some tomato cages for those plants that are growing like crazy and a plant support ring for the red coreopsis that was growing fine but fell over because its stems are not sturdy enough. It is all budded up so I hope it blooms soon. Also, all the flowers I planted from seed are up but probably need to be thinned before they'll bloom. And some other plants have sprung up in the new bed that may be zinnia but are probably weeds.
Russell was supposed to come back Sunday night but didn't show up until sometime last evening while I was over at Amy's. I will have to speak with him tonight or tomorrow about how he cannot come back in September nor next year. I think I will couch it in the "It's not you, it's me" motif because it is indeed me who likes living alone and likes having chocolate left over in the cupboard and likes not having dishes in the drainer that have been merely rinsed and remain egg-encrusted.
Although I still will probably only take the two days, Tuesday and Friday, off the week between Labor Day and the Swamp so I can have a couple days to go out to North Dakota again and see Miss Jenks's new house. She advocates me coming before the snow flies. She has still not committed to when she might come here this year, although she toys with the week in which she could see both Todd and the Wheeling Blues fest OR the labor day/Swamp week.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
New Orleans
I drove to the Detroit airport in a blinding thunderstorm and got there to find my plane was delayed but only a half hour and since my layover in Atlanta was an hour, I wasn't concerned but by the time we got off the ground and got to Atlanta, my plane to New Orleans had left. They had rebooked me on a plane leaving the next morning at 7:45. I got a standby ticket for the next flight an hour later, which was overbooked, but thankfully I got on that one, the only person on the standby list to get on so I got to New Orleans about 5 and the airport shuttle took me to my hotel first.
Anne and I had a couple drinks from the St. Charles Tavern down the street from our hotel on St. Charles and Erato. We decided to try to eat at Gautreau's but had not made reservations and it was fully booked when we got there so we took the streetcar on down to S. Carrolton where people said there were good restaurants but we could not find them, having no real directions so we end up eating at Voodoo BarBQ just down the street from our hotel where we had pulled pork and mac and cheese and cole slaw and corn pudding and bread pudding.
The next day Saturday we met Tom and Jessica at Commander's Palace for brunch where I had oysters in a sauce with a puff pastry dome and a pork chop with sausages and a sunny side up egg and some potatoes and we had all ordered dessert but Tom and Jessica had to leave so Anne and I ate two desserts, blueberry shortcake and creme brulee and took another blueberry shortcake and pecan pie to go. The bill for all 4 of us was $230 but we had had many drinks. We went back to the hotel and crashed out for the afternoon and then went to see Tom's band play at One Eyed Jacks in the French Quarter. The show was good and heavily attended which is surprising as the cover was $10, with which you got a copy of their CD. We were introduced to may youth who all said what a musical genius Tom is and how they all love him and two girls told me they hope their legs look as good as mine when they are my age. After the show, it was 1:30 so we went back and crashed.
Sunday, there was a giant thunderstorm in the morning so we had continental breakfast at the hotel and then we laid out by the pool and got sandwiches from St. Charles Tavern, shrimp po boy that was delicious, and later we went to the Zydeco/seafood festival in the Quarter and saw Lil Bryan and the Travelers who were at the Swamp a couple years ago and 3 other bands and had some chargrilled oysters that were delicious and then took a cab to Jessica's apartment on Louisa St. It's a huge apartment with a beautiful giant kitchen with bamboo flooring and nice appliances and cabinets. Tom had told us the day before that he was moving in with her on Sunday. Then we all walked to Baccanal, a little dump on Chartres and Poland that serves wine and cheese plates in a garden with used patio furniture and Tom and Jessica left to go have their anniversary dinner and we stayed a while to listen to the music and then we took a cab to the Quarter and had a drink in a dumpy cool bar and then went to the Harrah's so Anne could gamble. The buy-ins on the card tables was $15 so I just let Anne lose $15 of my money in the slots which she was satisfied with since she was not sure enough of card game rules to play. Took the streetcar back to the hotel.
Monday I was leaving so we had sushi lunch with Tom and Jessica and then Anne went over to Tom's while I waited for the airport shuttle and then I get there and my plane is delayed so instead of getting home around 9:30, I get home about 11. Anne texted me tonight that she had got home to New York after an uneventful flight.
Surprisingly, I didn't drink all that much down there.
So overall it was a good trip. Plenty of talking with Anne and the usual oblique conversations with Tom. I have some few photos which I will post another time. I am glad I am not going on any more plane trips this calendar year.
Russell is here again and will be here next week and then he's off to points far away until he's back in September for the Swamp. I had put in to take the week off between Labor Day and the Swamp but now I think I may change that as I am not keen on being home while I have a houseguest. Although this may be the week Annie Jenks shows up here so maybe I'll take a day off or two.
We talked about the Christmas holidays at the sushi lunch and Jessica said she was not keen on coming back to Ohio every Christmas and I said they did not have to come back on my account and we discussed possibly going to some island but no decisions were made. Her mom lives in Austin where she runs a bed and breakfast and Jessica said it was sparsely reserved over the holidays so that might be interesting. Lots of good music in Austin.
So the one panel of my bamboo fence that I got at the Home Depot on Rt. 20 has bent and cracked along the chain link fence rail and is now leaning on the fence. I see that it is not as sturdy as the 3 sections I got at the Home Depot on Airport Hwy so I may take it back and exchange it although they were all the same brand. It is reed-ier while the others are more bamboo-like.
Today I went to work a half hour late as I was tired out. Tonight I unpacked and opened mail and looked at the plants and was glad to see the hostas have recovered where the dogs had romped in them. Much weeding needs to be done as well as weed whacking around the flagstones.
Not that much on the agenda for this weekend although there is a show at Hines Farm, whose website has become inaccessible plus some rockabilly bands are at Mickey Finn's and a blues guy is at the Blue Devil and my boss's son might be playing jazz at Mezzmerize on Dussel so we'll see what we're up for.
I need to Trip Advisor my trip with comments on the hotel and restaurants. Note to self.
Anne and I had a couple drinks from the St. Charles Tavern down the street from our hotel on St. Charles and Erato. We decided to try to eat at Gautreau's but had not made reservations and it was fully booked when we got there so we took the streetcar on down to S. Carrolton where people said there were good restaurants but we could not find them, having no real directions so we end up eating at Voodoo BarBQ just down the street from our hotel where we had pulled pork and mac and cheese and cole slaw and corn pudding and bread pudding.
The next day Saturday we met Tom and Jessica at Commander's Palace for brunch where I had oysters in a sauce with a puff pastry dome and a pork chop with sausages and a sunny side up egg and some potatoes and we had all ordered dessert but Tom and Jessica had to leave so Anne and I ate two desserts, blueberry shortcake and creme brulee and took another blueberry shortcake and pecan pie to go. The bill for all 4 of us was $230 but we had had many drinks. We went back to the hotel and crashed out for the afternoon and then went to see Tom's band play at One Eyed Jacks in the French Quarter. The show was good and heavily attended which is surprising as the cover was $10, with which you got a copy of their CD. We were introduced to may youth who all said what a musical genius Tom is and how they all love him and two girls told me they hope their legs look as good as mine when they are my age. After the show, it was 1:30 so we went back and crashed.
Sunday, there was a giant thunderstorm in the morning so we had continental breakfast at the hotel and then we laid out by the pool and got sandwiches from St. Charles Tavern, shrimp po boy that was delicious, and later we went to the Zydeco/seafood festival in the Quarter and saw Lil Bryan and the Travelers who were at the Swamp a couple years ago and 3 other bands and had some chargrilled oysters that were delicious and then took a cab to Jessica's apartment on Louisa St. It's a huge apartment with a beautiful giant kitchen with bamboo flooring and nice appliances and cabinets. Tom had told us the day before that he was moving in with her on Sunday. Then we all walked to Baccanal, a little dump on Chartres and Poland that serves wine and cheese plates in a garden with used patio furniture and Tom and Jessica left to go have their anniversary dinner and we stayed a while to listen to the music and then we took a cab to the Quarter and had a drink in a dumpy cool bar and then went to the Harrah's so Anne could gamble. The buy-ins on the card tables was $15 so I just let Anne lose $15 of my money in the slots which she was satisfied with since she was not sure enough of card game rules to play. Took the streetcar back to the hotel.
Monday I was leaving so we had sushi lunch with Tom and Jessica and then Anne went over to Tom's while I waited for the airport shuttle and then I get there and my plane is delayed so instead of getting home around 9:30, I get home about 11. Anne texted me tonight that she had got home to New York after an uneventful flight.
Surprisingly, I didn't drink all that much down there.
So overall it was a good trip. Plenty of talking with Anne and the usual oblique conversations with Tom. I have some few photos which I will post another time. I am glad I am not going on any more plane trips this calendar year.
Russell is here again and will be here next week and then he's off to points far away until he's back in September for the Swamp. I had put in to take the week off between Labor Day and the Swamp but now I think I may change that as I am not keen on being home while I have a houseguest. Although this may be the week Annie Jenks shows up here so maybe I'll take a day off or two.
We talked about the Christmas holidays at the sushi lunch and Jessica said she was not keen on coming back to Ohio every Christmas and I said they did not have to come back on my account and we discussed possibly going to some island but no decisions were made. Her mom lives in Austin where she runs a bed and breakfast and Jessica said it was sparsely reserved over the holidays so that might be interesting. Lots of good music in Austin.
So the one panel of my bamboo fence that I got at the Home Depot on Rt. 20 has bent and cracked along the chain link fence rail and is now leaning on the fence. I see that it is not as sturdy as the 3 sections I got at the Home Depot on Airport Hwy so I may take it back and exchange it although they were all the same brand. It is reed-ier while the others are more bamboo-like.
Today I went to work a half hour late as I was tired out. Tonight I unpacked and opened mail and looked at the plants and was glad to see the hostas have recovered where the dogs had romped in them. Much weeding needs to be done as well as weed whacking around the flagstones.
Not that much on the agenda for this weekend although there is a show at Hines Farm, whose website has become inaccessible plus some rockabilly bands are at Mickey Finn's and a blues guy is at the Blue Devil and my boss's son might be playing jazz at Mezzmerize on Dussel so we'll see what we're up for.
I need to Trip Advisor my trip with comments on the hotel and restaurants. Note to self.
Friday, June 13, 2008
at last
It seems like I've had this ticket to New Orleans for months, which I have, and today it's time to go.
This week, I had both of the Sonnenberg dogs and here and other than chewing up my one bedroom rug and digging up two of carefully placed patio blocks, no harm done. That Peanut is full of energy, jumping up on people constantly. He might be cute but he needs some training. Charlotte, of course, is a princess of a houseguest.
Russell was here all week but when I got home Thursday night, dogs and Russell were gone so I had one calm night. I will have to have a talk with Russell about his continued staying here. He's not really that much bother but frankly, I like living alone and he doesn't have a lot to do in the evening so he just hangs out in the green room. Which is where I like to hang out in the evening. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to mind his basement accommodations.
This week, I had both of the Sonnenberg dogs and here and other than chewing up my one bedroom rug and digging up two of carefully placed patio blocks, no harm done. That Peanut is full of energy, jumping up on people constantly. He might be cute but he needs some training. Charlotte, of course, is a princess of a houseguest.
Russell was here all week but when I got home Thursday night, dogs and Russell were gone so I had one calm night. I will have to have a talk with Russell about his continued staying here. He's not really that much bother but frankly, I like living alone and he doesn't have a lot to do in the evening so he just hangs out in the green room. Which is where I like to hang out in the evening. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to mind his basement accommodations.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Saturday, I went to the farmers market at the mall and bought eggs and asparagus. After the radio show, bought some CDs at Finder's: Lyle Lovett it's not big it's large because the burned copy I have skips and the new Sonny Landreth and the new Johh Hiatt. Later, I went to see Indiana Jones with the wimmens and it was fabulous. Then we went to eat out at Trotter's and then I watered and went to bed to read. It was a very discombobulating day what with the getting up at 5:30 AM and then napping from 7-9:30.
Concert alert: Peter Tork and his Suede Shoe Blues are at DeSimone's on July 6.
Concert alert: Peter Tork and his Suede Shoe Blues are at DeSimone's on July 6.
Friday, June 06, 2008
the usual weirdness
So I am making egg sammich Thursday morning in my underwear and I hear a human cough from the basement and I realize Russell is here. So I got to work and when I get home, he's in the driveway conversing with Mrs. Eilert next door. He ends up giving her one of his CDs and then leaves later for Kentucky.
Tonight, I mean to stop at Pet Supplies Plus and Target and the strawberry place on the way home but instead I have to deliver the tickets to the Mudhens contest winners by 5 p.m. so I leave work early to do that and end up just driving home where I find all my plants look like they are living in the desert so I water and then decide to install that new small air conditioner I got last week and when I do it sounds like there's a Harley idling in my bedroom.
But then, I realize tonight's the night Gus is bringing over the dogs so I call him and he says later but ALAS later there is a tornado warning and Charlotte is not so good with the storms so he is bringing them over at 5:45 am Saturday. And now it's almost midnight and I have been posting storm coverage to since 10:30.
Tonight, I mean to stop at Pet Supplies Plus and Target and the strawberry place on the way home but instead I have to deliver the tickets to the Mudhens contest winners by 5 p.m. so I leave work early to do that and end up just driving home where I find all my plants look like they are living in the desert so I water and then decide to install that new small air conditioner I got last week and when I do it sounds like there's a Harley idling in my bedroom.
But then, I realize tonight's the night Gus is bringing over the dogs so I call him and he says later but ALAS later there is a tornado warning and Charlotte is not so good with the storms so he is bringing them over at 5:45 am Saturday. And now it's almost midnight and I have been posting storm coverage to since 10:30.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
So here's the Russell Donnellon schedule which makes it look like he might show up here any day now and be here nearly continuously on weekdays throughout June.
June 7-8 Art on the Green La Grange, KY
June 14-15 Wells Street Art Festival Chicago, IL
21-22 Royal Oak Clay and Glass Show Royal Oak, MI
27-29 Crosby Gardens Art Festival Toledo, OH
And Friday night, Gus's dogs come to visit. Although, I see NOTHING on the calendar for this weekend so maybe, once again, I can try to realize my dream of laying out in the sun for the pre-New Orleans tan. Gotta get a lounge chair.
June 7-8 Art on the Green La Grange, KY
June 14-15 Wells Street Art Festival Chicago, IL
21-22 Royal Oak Clay and Glass Show Royal Oak, MI
27-29 Crosby Gardens Art Festival Toledo, OH
And Friday night, Gus's dogs come to visit. Although, I see NOTHING on the calendar for this weekend so maybe, once again, I can try to realize my dream of laying out in the sun for the pre-New Orleans tan. Gotta get a lounge chair.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
It's all rage this year: gas prices too high? Fix up your backyard and enjoy it! Remember, click on the pictures for a larger view. Here's the view from the table.

Starry Night. Which will be finished this year.

Siberian Iris just coming on.

The raised beds.

The petunia hanging basket. When I was out there today, deadheading this, I see that the chain link fence top rail has somehow come out of the end bracket, causing the fence to teeter and consequently, the reed fence to wobble. I couldn't get it back in the bracket by myself.

View from the patio toward the back. I dug that hosta out of the round bed.

From the far back, looking toward the patio.

The back planter, with various pernnials, most of which I don't know the name of.

The hostas at the north end of the yard up by the front.

Basil and sage.

I dug all these hostas out of the round bed in the yard that has snow on the mountain in it. There are still 3 or 4 in there.

The back bed.

Dutch iris.

Coreopsis. I could never grow these because of the walnut tree but this is in the new raised bed so I hope it takes.


Bleeding heart.

Starry Night. Which will be finished this year.

Siberian Iris just coming on.

The raised beds.

The petunia hanging basket. When I was out there today, deadheading this, I see that the chain link fence top rail has somehow come out of the end bracket, causing the fence to teeter and consequently, the reed fence to wobble. I couldn't get it back in the bracket by myself.

View from the patio toward the back. I dug that hosta out of the round bed.

From the far back, looking toward the patio.

The back planter, with various pernnials, most of which I don't know the name of.

The hostas at the north end of the yard up by the front.

Basil and sage.

I dug all these hostas out of the round bed in the yard that has snow on the mountain in it. There are still 3 or 4 in there.

The back bed.

Dutch iris.

Coreopsis. I could never grow these because of the walnut tree but this is in the new raised bed so I hope it takes.


Bleeding heart.

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