Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Nearly July

I have not even blogged since my stunning victory in court for my traffic ticket! I went last Friday to the Sylvania municipal court. At 10 a.m., someone came out to tell me they were still waiting on the officer. Around 10:15, I was shown into the prosecutor's office. He shook my hand and told me it was my lucky day, the officer had not received a subpoena and the case would be dismissed at no cost to me. So we go downstairs to the court room and the judge ALSO says it's my lucky day and I say But I've brought exhibits and the judge says to the prosecutor She sounds disappointed and the prosecutor says Trust me, she's not disappointed and we all laugh and they tell me to have a nice weekend. Justice, just the way I like it.

Amy and I were going to go to Detroit to see the Deadstring Brothers last Saturday but there was massive thunderstorming here and up there so we decided to go to Hines Farm instead and we were glad we did. We got there at 7 and got the last two seats at the bar. The place was packed with 50-ish white people. You never know what the crowd will be like out there. The music was great and business was booming. We stayed til about 10:45, at which time we walked out into the grassy parking lot and both stepped into a ditch and fell flat on our faces although we were not tanky. Neither was injured.

The next day, Amy decides her driver's license has flown out of her purse upon falling, so we drive back out there but alas, the license was on her dining room table all along.

The Hines Farm website seems to work now. Plus they are having Big James and Chicago Playboys there July 12, the same day as everything else: BG classic car show, Les Robertson art opening, Nick Moss, Unknown Hinson. Of course, Big James is also at GFT on Aug. 8 and at the Swamp Sept. 5.

My knee somehow got screwed up at the start of the New Orleans trip so I've been babying it and downing sane amounts of ibuprofen. Monday, it was more swollen than ever so I wisely go the gym and do the elliptical for 20 minutes, after which I see on webmd I should be babying it and taking non-sane amounts of ibuprofen. And icing it, which I have done 4 times in the last 2 days so I'm hoping it will get better faster. It is improved today already. As you know, I must be bleeding profusely from my eye sockets before I will go to a doctor.

Really, I'll be getting those New Orleans pictures up any day now.
Also Sunday I took down the cracked bamboo fence piece. I have a new one but have not got Amy over to help me with it yet. I also bought some bamboo fishing pole-like pieces to brace the new piece when it goes up. Also bought some tomato cages for those plants that are growing like crazy and a plant support ring for the red coreopsis that was growing fine but fell over because its stems are not sturdy enough. It is all budded up so I hope it blooms soon. Also, all the flowers I planted from seed are up but probably need to be thinned before they'll bloom. And some other plants have sprung up in the new bed that may be zinnia but are probably weeds.

Russell was supposed to come back Sunday night but didn't show up until sometime last evening while I was over at Amy's. I will have to speak with him tonight or tomorrow about how he cannot come back in September nor next year. I think I will couch it in the "It's not you, it's me" motif because it is indeed me who likes living alone and likes having chocolate left over in the cupboard and likes not having dishes in the drainer that have been merely rinsed and remain egg-encrusted.

Although I still will probably only take the two days, Tuesday and Friday, off the week between Labor Day and the Swamp so I can have a couple days to go out to North Dakota again and see Miss Jenks's new house. She advocates me coming before the snow flies. She has still not committed to when she might come here this year, although she toys with the week in which she could see both Todd and the Wheeling Blues fest OR the labor day/Swamp week.

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