Sunday, April 19, 2009


What a change from yesterday's weather, with the hideous east wind and dampness and not above 50 all day. A good day to do stuff inside.

I cleaned out under my kitchen sink and cleaned out the fridge and paid some bills and did a Netflix ab crunch pilates thing. I put a roast in the crockpot to make enchiladas. Sal called as they were headed to the Club H whilst their dinner cooked so I went down for one beer and Donna was there with her doggies. We talked about Costa Rica which Donna has been to and for which Sal is hot. Especially some little place called Congo Bongo. There are many tripadvisor reviews for many little cabinas down there. And the airfare is only about $330.

Came home and made the enchiladas and hoping there is a Simpsons on while I dine.

Also I tripadvisored restaurants and stuff in New Orleans. Anne had suggested this place called Mothers but tripadvisor reviews pretty much ding it.

James Armstrong was very good at the Grounds last night. It was a full house and I drank too many Old Milwaukee Lights in the can and had the grumbly tum today.

This weekend went way too fast.

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