And I get to stay home! I'm so delighted. I asked my mom if she wanted me to come down but since I have to go there two weekends in a row in May, she said I didn't have to. I sent her a card. I will be making myself a giant breakfast.
Tomorrow night is Rod's Collision opening for Stacy Mitchhart at the ClaZel and Friday is Stefan's birthday party. So laying low to save up energy for this activity.
Last night I booked a flight to New Orleans for May 28-31, just a short trip. Staying at the Richelieu which has the Paul McCartney suite, in which I am not staying. Anne is also going and I booked a flight to coincide with hers so we are on the same plane out of the layover in Memphis. My plane leaves Detroit at 6:30 am. Anybody want to make some quick cash and take me there? Amy has said she would come get me Sunday night when I get back. Of course, I'm not holding her to that. I just HATE that parking and shuttling and stuff at DTW. Please. Are you not my friend????
Also last week I bought 4 new CDs: Elvin Bishop and Little Smokey Smothers, Buddy and Julie Milller, Blues of the Future Vol. 3 with Watermelon Slim and many other good folks and James Hunter's The Hard Way. Plus I got a tribute to Doug Sahm in the free box at the radio station with artists like Los Lobos and Joe King Carrasco. Plus I apparently ordered a Eli Paperboy Reed CD off when I wasn't paying attention the other night.
Many of my plants are coming up that I put in that starter box. Looks like it's cosmos, asters, zinnias, chives and cilantro. One of them is so big the plastic dome hits it so I need to get it out of there. Hmmm, how? This weekend I will set them outside again for some fresh air and sunshine.
Found out today I have no radio show April 18 and 25 (baseball). But then it should be smooth sailing on through summer.
And it's not too early for me to extend my annual Memorial Day cookout invite to be held the Monday of Memorial Day itself. As always, stop by no earlier than 3, eating around 5:30.
Another 2 pieces of my bamboo fence took a fall over the weekend so I rolled them up and will reattach when it warms up. Got me a whole new pack of zip ties for this.
I have 2 daffodils blooming but that's about it. The plants out front I put in last year seem to be coming back. Mostly.
Have had the Wall-E movie for almost 2 weeks and haven't watched it yet. Where does the time go?
Fortunately, Sal turned me on to a good brand of jeans so maybe I will have some nice looking pants the next time you see me.
What will I wear to New Orleans??? It's always a challenge when you have a fashion plate for a daughter.
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