Wednesday, July 16, 2008

midweek update

I called my mom today who sounds fine. She has the usual old person problem of nothing really tasting good but as long as they have some spicy something, she's good with that and eating. And she feels pretty good and has to have some other kidney test. She blathered on about the cats and dog and their reactions to hot weather. I offered to come see her this Sunday or next but she said "Oh I know you're busy." So I am taking that as an out.

Nothing happening this weekend except that sucky Toledo Blues Festival so we are going to Kim and Jim's Saturday for cards although Fred and Sherry have a wedding and Connie may already be leaving for the princess vacation so if we can't get some boys, it might just be euchre night. Which would be OK.

Tomorrow night, Sherry and Amy are coming for a discussion about Wheeling. Maybe I can get one of them to help with the last fence piece. Maybe. So another lax weekend which is good. Probably have to mow again. Usually by now the grass is deader but I'm not complaining.

I might start ripping on the bushes out front although I suppose I shouldn't be thinking about transplanting any perennials until fall. We need to line up a fall plant swap.

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