Tuesday, July 08, 2008

The Jenks House

Is this just the cutest damn place or what?

This is the view from the giant hill behind her house, which is part of her property.

Well, today I am all angsted up about how my bedroom air conditioner is not on a slant and consequently not dripping water. Please help me with this if you can. When I try to tilt it, then I cannot get the window closed.

My hot water heater had been leaking so I call Gearharts and the plumber calls me to discuss this and at the end, he says So do you want us to leave the old one in the front yard or the back yard. There's a little pause and he says Just joking, we take it away. Then I say sorry I didn't clean the cat litter box, which is right next to the water heater and he says, We're plumbers ma'am, we're used to it. What a jokester.

My loser sister Karen has emailed me to say that my mom is not doing well, that her physical condition is badly deteriorating and she forgets who Karen is and she has lost a lot of weight because Karen thinks she does not eat while Karen is gone for work all day. This disturbs me because (1) my sister is a lying bitch and (2) my mom made the bad choice to move in with her against my protestations. You can only interfere so much in people's chosen life paths.

Last night, I did the Pilates DVD and today I walked to the library and back. Man, it's tough to get enough exercise.

Today, I was talking to stalkermom about elder care and I think well at least I am not pulling up the Depends on my mother-in-law. Although my ex one is still alive so this could happen yet.

Also I wanted to give the recipes for the corn salad and the pasta salad. The pasta salad is here and the corn salad is

2 ears of corn, kernels cut off, uncooked
1/2 container of grape tomatoes, cut in half
3 T lime juice
3 T olive oil
zest of one lime
1/8 t. chili powder

Mix it all up and sprinkle with coarse salt and a bunch of sliced fresh basil and some ground pepper. Yum. It is so fresh and delicious.

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