Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Every time I think I'm out, they pull me back in

So Thursday night we went to the wine tasting and then I drank more beer with Jenks. Friday night I believe I watched 3 hours of the Sopranos after Amy fed me cabbage rolls. Saturday, you know what I did (see below). Sunday I was near death and watched more Sopranos. And last night I went to Jenks’s and drank 3 beers and went home and…

Watched the Sopranos. It is a bad disease and I am only a quarter of the way into season two.

Last night I DID however on the way home go to Monnette’s and get some vegetables and then into the Churchill’s out on Dussel (really Salisbury Rd.) to get some meat to make meatballs, because they’re always eating on the Sopranos, and man, that is a great store, small, has all the stuff I eat and not expensive. Good fruits and veg, unlike the heinous Kroger. And pretty much right on my way home. And you can park right by the door.

So tonight, I am going to make meatballs and order stuff online and try and NOT watch any Sopranos (although I have plenty).


By 8:15 a.m., I had a second coat of white on the ceiling. Then I plunged right in and painted all four walls Totally Tan by 12:30 and then I did a radio show 2-4 and then I went to Howard's and drank beer with the Hungling sisters. Home, more beer, visitors, and then Amy and I decide to go to Beckett's where we play pool and by the time Amy takes me home, I am tanky. So Sunday was just recovery: brain from beer and body from painting. And more Sopranos.....

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