Monday, February 15, 2010

Long, deep and continuously

This is how JD used to say he would cut somebody. "Three ways. (insert blog post title here)." But I feel this is how February is.

I spent most of the weekend on the couch reading. Two weekends in a row. My own fault, I suppose. Amy and I did go to Hines Farm Saturday night where it was standing room only although we elbowed our way to the dance floor, pretending to dance so we could hear the band. Some 41-year-old youth outside told us a story of how he spent much of his actual youth, traveling around to Grateful Dead concerts selling nitrous oxide. Let's see, the Dead stopped touring in 1995 so that would have made this guy 26 when they stopped.

So as it turns out I did not judge the Eagles chili cook-off, having been preempted by someone who apparently wanted to do it more than I did, Doug Black. Probably just saved my stomach a lot of distress.

Today, after I backed my car out of the garage and got out to close the garage door, a mouse dropped out from under the car and ran into the garage. Hope it wasn't in there eating my car's hoses or something.

Also, even though it's been below freezing for weeks, my garbage can has that vomit smell in it that it had last summer. I don't know how this happens as I bag everything before I toss it in.

I worked today although I did not have to (Presidents Day) so I'll have one more day to take off if it ever becomes nice weather.

At least we have the game night at Amy's on Wednesday to break up the week.


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