Thursday, September 10, 2009

What I did on my end of summer vacation

I read A Peculiar Grace in 24 hours. Not one of Lent's better works. Way more life examination than any human needs, capped by vigorous sex and lots of it on the last 5 pages. Although he continually uses the verb "love" for "got it on" which, considering the locations and fervor, would have been more apt.

Yesterday I dug out a big hunk of grass back by the northwest corner of the yard and transplanted lilies which I still have about 800 bulbs of. Want some? They're not all orange ditch lilies, but maybe 450 are.

Then I drank some wine on the deck and continued tidying up which is still not totally complete but I hope will be by EOB today.

These last two days have been perfect weather.

Today I had my annual visit to the wimmens doc and then got a haircut from Carol Hahler which I am really pleased with. When's the last time you heard me say that??

I also went to Churchill's and got some wine and beer and a case of Perrier and some fresh mozzarella and celery and potatoes. I intend to make potato salad and some broccoli soup to have around this weekend in case I'm home and need a bite. Or maybe I should make that broccoli salad. Hmmmmm. Although then they're both mayonnaise-y.

I also went to the bank and once again had them stop using my line of credit as my overdraft protection because it makes my balance when I go to the ATM some odd number so I never know what my balance is. Although I carry a running balance in my head, pretty much.

Plus I shopped at the Goodwill where there was a Tigger costume in the window like the one I sold on eBay for $63. It was $10 and some old folks bought it for their grandchild who must be a big kid because the costume was an adult XL. I told them they could sell it on eBay for $60 later and they just looked at me. I bought a black and while check shirt by Jones New York and 2 candles and a pack of coffee filters. Cost: $6.66. The cashier said that when a purchase comes to that amount, many people go find something else to buy.

It's been really relaxing, this week. Swamp the rest of the weekend....

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