Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Watermelon anyone?

Well it was a helluva party, if I do say so myself. At 1:30, the skies OPEN and drench the canvas chairs Connie Z has brought over a half hour earlier. I sit under the patio roof, thinking, Well at least the house is clean and commodius. And then Amy shows up with the tent top thing and we erect that and move stuff around and string up some lights and move the grill to the garage.

It was a great turnout despite the weather, 28 in all, I think. And the food! OMG, macaroni salad that everybody loved, taco salad, coleslaw, corn casserole, potato casserole, chips of every variety, veggies, dip, peach cobbler, walnut pie, cheesecake, fruit in liqueurs, fresh tomato cucumber salad, and homemade ice cream. I'm sure I'm forgetting some stuff. Sorry. And of course, meat.

The rain held off enough for grilling and some eating in the yard but people were raucous and partying on down til after dark in spite of erratic rain.

I had put a watermelon in a softside cooler but it was not eaten. Let me know if you want a big chunk.

Here are some pictures thanks to Chip.

I planted 31 hosta along the east fence on Thurs., Fri., Sat. It looks lovely.

The forecast for my week off is kinda crappy, showers and thunderstorms off and on until Friday when it will clear up and be 80 and sunny everyday for the Swamp. As a matter of fact, now, at 3:20, another wave of rain approacheth from the southeast.

Today I picked up bottles and cans and emptied ashtrays and sorted the last of the garbage from the deck and have all chairs except the wood set up on the deck under the tent top. I have many leftovers. Thank you. The bottles are ready for the recycling. The grill needs to be cleaned. Connie's towels are washed and dried. Many many big spoons and serving platters are clean.

And it's raining. One minute after I got the last few chairs onto the deck.

Amy called today at 11:30 to see if I wanted to eat at the Grill which of course I did, having just drunk coffee and eaten Jo's raspberry chocolate bars while finishing In The Fall by Jeffrey Lent which was fabulous: love, passion, death, slavery, thievery, a sweeping family saga across three generations. So I went to the library and got another one by him: A Peculiar Grace, which of course I started right in on but made myself stop to continue cleaning up. I didn't read that review I linked to in case there were spoilers.

Just now, I spy an old man on a bicycle under the tree on the corner, dodging what he could of the downpour. I got my umbrella from my car trunk, soaking myself, and ran over to tell him he could put his bike and himself on my deck, but politely, smilingly although lacking his two front teeth, he told me he thought he would just wait it out, how he'd just come from his office at the university and thought he could outride the rain coming in but he guessed he'd just go on now, wet through his thin cotton shirt. Back inside, my shirt changed to a dry one, mopping my hair, I look out to see he has indeed gone on, even though the thunder would have driven a more fearful man to take any shelter.

That's how that Jeffrey Lent writes, all strung together phrases and feelings, only much better. Although this really did happen to me. Just now. Really.

On Friday, I got a text message through work about the final score of the BG-Fostoria HS football game. But I got this text at 7:43 am, some 13 hours before the game was over. I need to get this straightened out this week but I am not calling in to work today. Maybe tomorrow.

I have pictures from my mom's 80th birthday luncheon and from Vera's 60th at Cinco de Mayo which I will post soon. But not now. Gotta read.


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