Saturday, May 09, 2009

You wankers

Chris Shutters was at the ClaZel tonight and even though Amy planted a GIANT TREE and I dug up ferns and hosta for the plant swap AND did a radio show and other things, we were the only 2 people there of our bunch except poor Rod who went at 7:30 because that's when McKinley said they started. Which they didn't. They started at 9. BUT REGARDLESS, you should have been there. He played a couple of Jethro Tull songs on which he played the flute and did a great version of Bell Bottom Blues. We asked for Red House but left when they took their second break around 11:15.

Somehow the Chris Shutters promotion folks think I am somebody so they gave me 2 CDs by Julie Newmark and David Carducci and a Chris Shutters at the ClaZel t-shirt which I gave to Amy for Evan. Plus they're putting my name on the guest list for Harper. I don't think they even KNOW my name. And there was cake. I think about 120 people paid to get in. But none of you wankers.

I didn't think I'd get everything in today but except for the farmer's market, I did. I mowed the front and dug out the grass at the fence line in preparation for reinstalling the bamboo fence. Too windy today to do that. Plus I dug about 40 ferns out for Amy and Sal and the swap and a couple of hostas for the swap where I took a bee balm.

And I watched Cars, which is a great movie. And has many great lines like "I'm as happy as a tornado in a trailer park." And I did more Mother's Day gift purchasing, sugar free chocolates and cut tulips and a card to go along with the fabulous planter I got at Fitkin's. I'm sure it will not be sufficient.

So tomorrow the lengthy trip to Delaware. Then two more weeks of work and a week off. Yay. Stamps go up on Monday to 44 cents. So if you have any 42 centers, you're out of luck.

Peace out.

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