Monday, October 29, 2007

almost Halloween

Friday, Miss Jenks and I damaged a bottle of Jack Daniel's. Saturday, radio show and then to the Sockman party where I could not bring myself to wear the Batgirl costume and JUST AS WELL because nobody else was costumed. I wore the devil horns and tail with my regular clothes and guys were saying "Hey, I always wanted a piece of that tail." Ha ha.

Sunday I worked in the yard to exhaustion and cooked: chicken for chicken salad and enchiladas and a roast. And I put in most of the storm windows but I have still not put the heat on at night. Hmmm, winterishness.

So me and Annie are going to Mexico Dec. 13-18. Staying at the Colibri. We both had vacation left and it seemed like a good idea, without even a lot of alcohol.

Making sweet potato corn chowder now and drinking Yellow Tail. Tomorrow night, we are going to the Revolver in Findlay.

Rod's Collision at Nate and Wally's this Friday. Charlotte gets picked up Wednesday so maybe I can resume going to the gym.

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