Sunday, October 14, 2007

exciting updates!

The Chris Shutters Band won the BSBS Battle of the Bands and is going to Memphis. Rod's played their hearts out. The winning band plays at Mulvaney's Bunker on Dorr St. right down the road from my work. They're from Sylvania. The shindig at the Maumee Indoor was well attended including the BG contingent: Kim and Jim, Michelle and Don, Kay and Rick, Dylan, Doug and the usual band groopies.

Today, I went to the Pharm because they had these signs out: CHEAP! FINAL SALE! LIQUIDATION! So there's hardly anything left in there but vitamins and makeup. I bought some stuff that would have totaled about $35 for $12. These white trash people were at the register with a big wad of cash they were making change out of and just assigning prices as they saw fit. Somebody asked when they were closing their doors and some guy said "As soon as we can get all these people out of here." Someone else asked what was going in there and the register guy said Hooters.

Listening to No Song, No Supper.

This weekend, I tore that grapevine off the fence between my yard and Mrs. Eilert's. When I told her about this, several times, she was vague even though she had told me numerous times that the guy who mows her lawn told her that should be cut down. Sheesh. Then I weeded copiously, planted a bunch of perennials I got from the departing Miss Jenks, measured my yard for future bed planning. And took stuff to the yard waste and stuff to Goodwill and returned stuff I had had for two months from Elder Beerman where they had these nightgown robe sets on sale that my mom likes so I guess I've started Christmas shopping. I think now my immediate plans are a privacy fence along the back, new kitchen stuff and this partial landscape remodel.

Plus it's back to cooking school. Today, I made beef stew in the crockpot which I have not sampled yet and I have a quiche in the oven (broccoli, ham, onion, cheese).

Plus I've started keeping lists of stuff to do. And I do it! I think this going to the gym is fab for my energy. I went yesterday and did Turbo Kick which is kickboxing with these 90-second intervals of unbelievable hopping around toward the end.

Gotta watch last week's Desperate Housewives on the internet before tonight's show comes on at 9. Reading Blaze by Richard Bachman (who is really Stephen King). So so.

Better go try and figure out a Halloween costume.

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