Monday, October 22, 2007

here's what I think

Beer not only makes you fat, it makes you crabby. I haven't been drinking much beer and this weekend I did and today I am fat and crabby. Or it could be this weather thing moving in.

It was a big weekend. Friday night, was the Joe Bob Duda at GFT which was heavily attended. Then we went to Beckett's for a bev. Saturday I went to the gym and did a radio show and to the Halloween party from which I have no pictures. Please send me some to I wore my Batgirl costume. Amy was a witch. Sherry was Charlie Chaplin, complete with cane and derby.

Then we went to the Welders in our costumes. Fred, who was dressed as a pirate (a very popular motif this year), said we should go to Howard's every Saturday night in costumes.

Sunday was beautiful, if a little windier than I thought it would be. I was going to wash house windows but the first one I started on needed to be caulked so that's all I got done but I had been meaning to do that for a long time.

Plus I cleaned out the garage. I just need to get that grapevine out of the driveway to see if my car will fit in there.

Tomorrow, Gus is bringing Charlotte over to stay with me for a week while they're in Mexico.

So, Friday, Joe Bob Duda at Cucina de Betta or whatever. Saturday, three Halloween parties. And my first of a long string of regular radio shows.

Annie and I want to go to this restaurant in Findlay, Revolver. It has great reviews. Scroll down on that page to see the comments.

Also I have been looking for a cross stitch that says God loveth a cheerful giver. But most of them are this Precious Moments crap.

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