Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Memorial Day

Well, it was damn hot. Everybody held up pretty well. Amy had fallen off a ladder earlier and took a blow to the noggin. Connie brought fans. There was general convivality and THANKS to all who brought sides because as you know, I was serving burgs and brats and chips. Period. Oh and pina coladas. Which I have PLENTY of left so they'll be goin to GNO next Wednesday at Sherry's (subtle reminder).

So the dentist's office just called at 2:50 to remind me of my 2:40 appointment today. Duh. They rescheduled for 4:20, an hour from now. It is blowing up some thunderstorm right now.

Here's Freewheelin' Frank who talked to me A LOT about the Rolling Stones. The greatest rock n roll band in the world.

Here are some wimmen attendees.

Sad Marky.

The honeymoon is SO over for these two. I hope they can move on.

Various other attendees.

Yow, let's eat.

I said, "Take a picture of the meat." This is what I got.

THIS is the meat I meant. Thank you, Fred the GrillMaster. The guy sat out there for an hour in the driveway, attending the grill but it was delicious.

Pasta salad, courtesty of Amy

Beans, beans, beans, beans. Also Annette brought some stunning beans, but alas, no photo. Chip.

Do these shorts make my butt look big?

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