Wednesday, February 22, 2006

We agonize in email

-----Original Message-----
From: amy
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9:00 AM
Subject: stayed up all night....

....thinking about your furniture (NOT REALLY).....but I WAS thinking
it a little's what I think about that chair/ottoman:
It IS really cool and it IS really different, but to try & "make it
with the red couch will require a lot of choosing the right paint color
the right window treatments, etc etc. to blend it all together. PLUS
thinking if you want a "crazy" fabric, make your crazy fabric be your
pillows and/or window treatments where you're not investing so much
$$....that way if you decide you want to go a different route in a
years, you haven't invested that much. I'm still thinking the red couch
a great choice & a great buy....but maybe we should see what hours
Rettig is
open and check there one night this week.....'cuz it looked like from
website they had different manufacturers ....Samsen & Bennett's pretty
both carried the same manufacturers so maybe that's why we weren't
anything "different".....and then you'll probably still end up with the
couch, but at least you'll feel like you shopped around before you
(feel free to disregard any of this advice.....)

-----Original Message-----
From: evilwebqueen
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9:21 AM
Subject: RE: stayed up all night....

I love that couch more and more. In retrospect. And it DID seem like
such a great price, compared to other stuff. And in comparison, the
chair does not win. I didn't measure about the chaise in the LR (and I'm
telling you, it took the delivery guys a LOT OF WORK to get it where it
is now) but that might be great because then I could keep the big green
chair I have, in the computer room. Also, about that table, it would be
bad to play cards on because it is not smooth. But I still like the
table idea a lot. I might go over to Pier 1 today and view their tables
like that. and yes, we should run to the 2 findlay stores, if you are up
for it. Rettig's is open til 8 on weds. I'll call Decker's and see if
they are too (no website).

-----Original Message-----
From: amy
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 10:22 AM
Subject: RE: stayed up all night....

according to the MSN yellow pages there's another one in Findlay
...Ashley 'till 8...don't know anything about them but
they have several stores in Ohio besides the Findlay one although that's
the closest one....
I didn't give any thought to the card-playing problem - ya' know that
table would be GREAT if you had a sunroom or something...just not made
for our "cute little houses" unfortunately....
I'll talk to Adam tonight to firm up his birthday plan...and make sure
that he wants to spend Thus. with me, as opposed to Weds. or Fri......
...sounds like we're on the same page with the thinking about the couch
and chair.....

-----Original Message-----
From: evilwebqueen
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 10:50 AM
To: amy
Subject: RE: stayed up all night....

I suppose I should consider other fabrics for the sofa. Although this
just could complicate things....

-----Original Message-----
From: amy
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 11:18 AM
To: evilwebqueen
Subject: RE: stayed up all night....

I just think that was SUCH a great "feel good" fabric....and I love the
red..and I'm kinda hoping the chaise would work out there 'cuz that
would be COOL, MAN ! But if the chaise doesn't work out,and you end up
buying a chair too, I'd keep the chair low-key and have your window
treatments and pillows & accessories be your "pop"; that way if you get
tired of it, all you have to do is buy new curtains and pillows and you
have a whole new look for not that much money.....oooh - maybe you
should do a "summer" room & a "winter" room !!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: evilwebqueen
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 11:22 AM
To: amy
Subject: RE: stayed up all night....

Fercrisakes get a hold of yourself. LOL

Although I DID start thinking about putting a couple of comfy chairs and
a very small table in the 'breakfast nook' to remake that into a
semi-useful area. Which now it is NOT.

I think I'll just throw my sofa out tonight.

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