Monday, May 09, 2011

Still flabby

My new eating regime has not made me one bit slimmer after one week. The dealbreakers: not walking 30 minutes a day AND still drinking. Less, but still. I like the eating part, though. It makes me feel good. I still haven't done the quantifying of the calories.

Tonight, I came home and raked up all those tulip tree blossoms and mowed the front then went to Ace and got a bag of dirt and patched some bare spots in the front lawn. WHICH I WILL WATER. There's a big dirt patch out toward the street where that sex offender with the barking dog next door piled his leaves when they were raked up in the fall that is dead. That's next.

Friday was the debut of Ginger and the Snaps at Howard's. We killed but no one will forward me a video of it so possibly it was not as great as people keep saying on Facebook. But there was much applause. Thank you.

Tried to book that room and Beatles Cirque show at the Mirage in Vegas but they said they were all sold out for that weekend. AND when I go online to Ticketmaster or the show's website, the closest I can get is row O which is the next to the top. I think I might just wait and try to get tickets at the Tix kiosk there. Still leaves us with no room. Gotta work on that.

Mother's Day, the kids checked in by phone and I went to Delaware where we ate at 1808 Bistro that I liked but my mom not so much. Although she did an entire 9 ounce Angus beef burger and a giant pile of fries. Then we went to the grocery for an hour where she bought surprisingly good food: beef for beef and noodles, strawberries, beets, bananas, stuff for mac and tomatoes. She declined my chicken noodle soup so I brought that home, still frozen.

Went to Optical Arts up on Central Ave. today and tried on many frames and settled on one and Thursday I have an eye exam there. They have this cool machine where they take pictures of you in various frames and then display them to you so you can see how you look in them, which is always an issue with me as I cannot see myself in the frames because I'm blind as a bat. I have been wearing my 4-year-old specs, as the last pair I got from the local guy in '09 were faulty. Which the woman at Optical Arts explained to me why. Plus I think I'll get those magnetic custom shades that are specially polarized. And I don't think they'll cost any more than the ones I got in BG.

GNO was fun at Deb's. Many attended and I held down the eating to a deviled egg and some hummus and carrots. June is a tea party at Connie D's.

Only 9 more days of work.

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