It's been quite a while since the last post. So here goes...
You can watch Boston Legal online now so while I almost never catch it on TV, I can view it at my leisure. Speaking of viewing I've had a South Park movie from Netflix for at least a week and haven't had time to schedule it in.
Last week, I went on Monday with Jim Kiernan to see Rodney Crowell and Will Kimbrough and Jennie Sheinman at the Ark. It was a fabulous show. They played for over 3 hours with no break. That woman can really play the electric fiddle and sing harmony. I need to get a CD by her. Tuesday was a presidential debate which I did not watch but had to put news and video on after it was over, so once again got to bed at 1 a.m. Then Wednesday was GNO where frankly I was burned out. Sorry, girls. Here are some pics:
Friday the wimmens came over for cribbage and cards and way too much wine on some of our parts.
So a beautiful weekend starts out and I am slow moving. But I went to the farmer's market and got some squash and corn (Pilgrim food) and then I went to Elder Beerman and bought 2 pairs of pajamas, summer and winter, and a down alternative comforter thing for my bed that is plain green. It seems like it will be just the thing. And only $25! Originally $140!! If you can believe that. So obviously I was off kilter because SHOPPING. I don't do that. Karen Schaller called to thank me for her birthday present which was some Cool Brew, that coffee from New Orleans I'm addicted to. Later I did a radio show and then read sporadically, Best Short Stories of 2007, and then went out to dinner with Connie and Amy to Easy Street where we all agree our food was lackluster at best. We then just went to our separate homes and zoned out.
Today, though. I have worked in the yard for 5 hours, clearing all the derbis out of the far back and moving some plants around and putting yet another couple out front. I have tons of pictures, from North Dakota and of the yard and the Harvest party, so I don't blog because posting all of them is a daunting task.
Oh yeah the Harvest Party. It was a beautiful night and the fire was big but the music was in the garage so it was like there were two parties. Ginger didn't even know there was a big fire. I had several beers and some scotch but I was not driving. Thank you Sherry.
The night before the Harvest Party, we went to see JBD+2 at Grumpy Dave's where we ate out at Call of the Canyon beforehand. WAY too much restaurant eating lately.
The weekend of the Harvest Party is when I did all this planting out front. I had torn out the old green bushes the weekend BEFORE as it was brush pickup so last weekend I planted many things. Of which I have pictures.
Although they look different now but I'll get a pic of that up later.
I took many pictures of Grandpa on the trip to ND. Here's one:
Here's a pic of some birds in ND:
Plus we have seen Little Cow at GFT which was really good. Better than I remember them from the Swamp.
Upcoming music:
Gandalf Murphy and the Slambovian Circus of Dreams, Oct. 16, GFT
Eddie Shaw at Hines Farm Oct. 25
Stacy Mitchhart at Waldo Pepper's in Findlay, Nov. 7
Radio shows:
Oct. 18 NO
Oct. 25 one hour
Nov. 8, 15 YES
Nov. 22, 29, Dec. 6 NO
Dec. 13, 20, 27 YES
I am ambivalent about the Halloween Party. I guess I will just make it clear that it's really a CARD party on Halloween.
Plus I still need to sell that Tigger costume on eBay.
Will do that now.
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