Wednesday, May 09, 2007

in and out

Note to self: hurricane songs.

So the mom thing continues. She was starving when I got there so we went to Cracker Barrel where she finished off chicken and mashed w/ gravy and cole slaw and biscuits. I had made her a ham/onion/cheese quiche, a chicken pasta hot dish and a cold pasta salad and took some brats with kraut I had cooked and frozen. I hope this holds her til I get back down this Sunday. Hmmmm, what to make this time....

Somehow I lost all her washcloths which I remember bringing home to wash but now they seem to be missing. Gotta get some more o those.

Ana Popovic was v. good but her voice was a little raspy. Monday and Tuesday, yard work and carousing.

Friday night is the Humane Society wine and cheese which I was not going to until Sal said her sister Lisa would be here for it, so I'm going. I may have to bag on Eddie Shaw this Saturday. It's so hectic around here. Because the next weekend is the Folk Festival and I'll be gone Friday - Sunday.

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