Tuesday, December 05, 2006

One extreme to the other

It was so lovely Thanksgiving weekend and now it's freezing. Below freezing, to be exact.

Saturday night we went to Wynn and Steve's lovely Red and Green Ball. Many were in attendance. Many were tanked. Me included. I fell down in the back yard on my way back to my car which was parked at Amy's. Bam, full frontal. No seeming injuries. One of my theories of life is that you get one injury and then it leads to another and another. Or at least that's how I've been lately. Maybe not so much with you.

There was a lot of wine drunken at this affair. And promises of future parties.

Watched nine hours of The Sopranos in the last week. Four more and I'll have season six under my belt. Somebody loaned my three seasons of Nip/Tuck but I can't watch it. Too much surgery, blood, slicing of flesh. Plus the characters are all pretty much unlikeable. Like, get a life. Are we to believe this is what the rich side of Miami is like?

Tomorrow night, GNO. The last one where we can smoke in the bar.

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