Monday, November 27, 2006

You rock, Coma Girl

This is what I promised I would title this post. It's what we were affectionately calling Kim during cards Saturday night when there may have been some meds mix-up, as in double dosing. Chip said this about her as she was raking in a large pot of our chips. It was an intimate and swell time, no pictures.

Thursday, I went to Sandusky to my friend Tim's sister's house for the big dinner. It was very nice of them to invite me at the last minute as otherwise I would have stayed home and watched rented movies. Turkey, all the trimmings, as they say, for 12 and then about 25 people were there when it was time for the loaded down dessert buffet extravaganza.

Friday, Amy and I were going to have another big dinner with Connie Z, but alas, she was stricken down by illness so Amy and I just drank wine and went to the wine tasting.

Saturday morning I watched "Now, Voyager" with Bette Davis who, long story short, meets a married guy, they have a brief thing, they reunite but not as lovers, he wants it to be more, but as she says in the last line of the film, "Don't let's ask for the moon. We have the stars." As they stare out a window of her mansion while smoking nonfilter cigs and drinking old fashioneds.

It was a beautiful weekend, weather-wise. I note this so later I can remember. I erected a new mailbox on a post, which seems just the teensiest bit wobbly. Then I tried to install a wireless doorbell but upon inserting all required batteries, hmmm, no ringo. By this time, my old boyfriend Barker had showed up and decided I just needed a new doorbell button because when you touch the wires together, the old doorbell rings. Maybe I'll get on this but it's going to be winter the next day I am home in the daylight. So for now I have black electrical tape over the wires hole.

It was a surprise to hear from Barker. He lives in Brazil now with some under-30 wife he got down there. He was on a one-week layover between working in Portland, Ore., and going home to SA. We drank many beers and ate the Big Chicken Sunday at Jed's, the only place in BG you can eat on Sunday night after 9. His wife called him while we were at the bar and accused of him of being with "that girlfriend" or however this translates from Portuguese. Alas, c'est moi: always the girlfriend, never the bride. I had told him last year he should tell me how to say in Portuguese, "I like your man but he makes me crazy" so I could make small talk with her if I ever got to see her. He told me Brazilian wives would not think that was very funny. I told him that coincidentally, American wives feel the same.

I have some pictures of Turkey Day in Sandusky which I will be getting up here any day now.

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