-----Original Message-----
From: Amy
To: evilwebqueen
Subject: Monday bloody Monday
argh..............I need to retire......how 'bout you?
...so I did absolutely NOTHING when I got home last night except go to
bed......and watch the housewives & Grey's Anatomy.....for which I
almost didn't remain awake.....guess I was well fed and ready for
evilwebqueen wrote:
I did the dishes and watched 2 Sopranos. Had a hard time dragging
out of bed. I don't want to retire so much as just work less. But then
there goes your health insurance etc. It's a bad trap for us rats.
we could just advertise on match.com: pleasant middle-aged woman seeks
funding for indolent lifestyle in exchange for listening
to your petty annoyances.
amy wrote:
....now that's a plan.....there'd probably be many guys who'd take us up
on this....but then they'd change the rules after they had us hooked and
expect us to actually ACT like significant others....
evilwebqueen wrote:
We'd have to demand a "pre-nup" spelling out exactly the terms.
Listening limited to 4 hours per day. No problems will be solved.
Response limited to "oh yeah" "you poor thing" and refilling wineglass.
And I wouldn't limit it to a guy. I'd listen to a woman whine for enough
money and a bottle of a good cab.
-----Original Message-----
From: barker
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 9:48 AM
To: Weiser
Subject: RE: jebus and jubas
No not joking it's just that the more I read the less likely the whole thing seems. It would be great if there was some omni-present benevelance watching over us all but where is it. In the past it talked to people from burning bushes and from montain tops, but now it doesn't have anything more to say? It just smiles down on our world and thinks "it's all good". The Iran thing scares me. It must scare a lot of other countries too. Maybe that's what this is all about, no fear for the future because Jesus is coming.
----- Original Message -----
From: Weiser
To: barker
Subject: RE: jebus and jubas
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 11:19:14 -0400
There is a lot of talk about the messianic vision of the dubya. And if you google george w bush rapture, you get much speculation on this, from both the sarcastic left side and the ‘he da man’ evangelicals. I think that’s why they’re also so willing to rape the environment, cause they ain’t gonna be there to inherit the wind, as it were. Frankly, I’m hoping that whole rapture thing will backfire in a big way, the nutty nuts will be taken up and those of us left here will get to start over, possibly even getting some post-apocalypse bonuses.
Look here’s a paragraph from the 2002 inaugural speech:
“At this second gathering, our duties are defined not by the words I use, but by the history we have seen together. For a half century, America defended our own freedom by standing watch on distant borders. After the shipwreck of communism came years of relative quiet, years of repose, years of sabbatical - and then there came a day of fire.”
And we thought he was talking about 9/11. And what’s up with that ‘second gathering’ BS?? Like maybe it’s the second coming????
And furthermore in that speech: “By our efforts, we have lit a fire as well - a fire in the minds of men. It warms those who feel its power, it burns those who fight its progress, and one day this untamed fire of freedom will reach the darkest corners of our world.” More fire.
I’ve always thought that Jesus stuff, and all religious texts, were pretty much fictional/exaggeration but at the base, they all have some of the same tenets, which if everybody adhered to, like love thy neighbor and respect others, there wouldn’t be all this divisive stuff. I think the omnipresence is the combined sum of all “souls” and when the preponderance of them swings over to the bad side, bad stuff happens. Karma is my favorite religious view.
Well, I hope you don’t fling yourself off a cliff because your religious feelings are in doubt. And for all my possibly sinful action, I know I am one of god’s chosen few. Some wacko who picked me up hitchhiking in Kansas in the seventies told me so.
-----Original Message-----
From: barker
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2:58 PM
To: Weiser
Subject: RE: jebus and jubas
No, no cliffs for me. Like Brian said in "Life of Brian", "you're all just going to have to think for yourselves". I hope you're right about the whole second coming, they take them away and we can live in peace. Maybe come up with some new commandments, "thou shalt not evangilize at thy neighbors door...