Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Slightly warmer

But right now it´s 66 and breezy. But still the sun is out and we´ve been at the beach bar since it clouded up around 1 prior to which we were in the beach chairs. Where yesterday I apparently forgot to sunscreen my thighs and tummy which are lobster red today. Muy doloroso.

Yesterday, after the afternoon drinking, we carried on to the evening drinking which included wine with the afternoon snack and then a siesta and then wine with dinner and then 4 Jack Daniel´s each at Fusion, where there was a jazz band playing despite the chilly wind. We both had on fleeces in this bar that is only partially enclosed, like everything down here. There were newspaper reports of children not going to school because it was so cold. So cold. Hmmm.

But the weather is on the improvement plan, with 72, 76, 80, 79 for our last 4 full days here. I know you were concerned.

Mas manana. Besos.

1 comment:

Salir Oatez said...

So hoping the temps continue to rise. And yes, it is in the 20s here. Tell them school kids to buck up.