Monday, August 10, 2009


We went to see Julie/Julia yesterday. It was really good. We were smiling the whole time. It was just two movies interspersed together: the story of Julia Child going into cooking at an advanced age and the story of Julie Powell, an ADD 30-year-old who never finishes anything so she sets herself the task of cooking her way through Mastering the Art of French Cooking and blogging about it.

The Julia part was delightful because after all it was Meryl Streep looking all ungainly but still girlish with the love of her life Paul.

I have a feeling Amy Adams portrayed a much more sympathetic Julie than the real life girl. Who was devastated that Julia did not like her blog. In the movie she says to her husband, "Is it because I use the f word sometimes?" Sometimes is an understatement. Read the blog here. Some of it you have to navigate by toying with the URL in the address bar because it quits linking after Dec.

She not only uses the f word, but she complains a lot about the dishes not being all that different from one another and some of them not being very good even. I am just jealous that I cannot concoct some blog idea that will get me fame and fortune. So that I can sit home in my pajamas and write or whatever.

One thing to keep in mind is that this was a blog in 2002. Which is about prehistoric in internet years. So was a cool way to get an aggregate of interesting stuff on the internet without doing a lot of heavy lifting. Now EVERYBODY blogs. You have to be way out there to get any attention.

Like my life. Not so way out there. Tonight I got home at 6:15 (that 30-minute commute is so over) and I had to go to Kroger (no bread) and even with a list in my pocket, I forget to get Mr. Clean which I need because I washed my kitchen floor with Spic and Span and it was so slippery, Fred called it a lawsuit waiting to happen. I did get vinegar which Amy says will take away that dangerous sheen.

Then I made corn tomato olive oil basil salad and guacamole. And watered extensively. And did laundry. And dishes. I got some coffee at GFT (a free pound! I was shocked I was already there.). I love that Java Pancoer and some White Russian. Plus I got a book, The Mermaid Chair, by the woman who wrote The Secret Life of Bees, for free because I have book credit. Wheee! Free shopping!! Plus bread was buy one get one free at Kroger!

I moved the bedroom AC to the west window so there's no annoying buzz out on the new deck (pictures any day now) and so I need to rearrange my bedroom so that I am not sleeping directly in the line of the blowing. Maybe tomorrow night. I cannot read in bed the way things are now. And we know what an important part of my life reading in bed is.

Plenty of free nights this week. It's very hot and humid now but this is supposed to abate as early as tomorrow and maybe the windows can be opened again. But not now.

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