Maybe this weekend I can realize my dream of laying out in the back yard pretending it's summer and I'm getting a tan. But those flagstones must be attended to.
Friday, Yellow Room Gang at GFT. Saturday, radio show, plant swap. Working for the weekends.
Tonight I read in the New Yorker that dark drinks, red wine and whiskey, make you drunker or at least give you a bigger hangover than white wine or vodka, for example, because they have more congeners that are impurities that are befuddling. I have expounded this theory before and you laughed. Well, maybe not YOU, but somebody did.
Tomorrow I have conference calls at 11:30 and 12:30 and 2. Better pack a lunch. Luckily , I made chicken salad last night and have an avocado ready for guacamole. Today I was a bad eater: had egg sandwich and milk and 5 peanut butter pretzels and chicken salad and a piece of bread and broccoli soup and A SNICKERS BAR. Plus my freezer is full of stuff: shrimp and a ribeye and a pizza from Churchill's and 5 burgers plus 2 pounds of ground chuck leftover from Memorial Day.
Ah yes, Memorial Day, from which I have no photos. We had fruit salad and taco salad and cucumber salad and artichoke dip and corn casserole (yum-o) and the famous Sonnenberg beans and guacamole and cherries and meat pies from South Side 6 and hummous and chips and burgers and brats and chips and brownies, and cherry dessert and peach cobbler and probably some stuff I forgot. Attendees: Amy, Connie, Frank, Lynn, Stubbs, Chip, Alex, Kim, Jim, Kay, Rick, Sherry, Fred, Martha, Gus, Annette, Bob, Ginger, and Wynn and Steve for a while. I need to invite more people for Labor Day. Everybody went home at a sensible hour while it was still light.
Today, my daughter called me at work. I always angst when they call in the daytime. But she wanted to know what button to hit on the computer because Word was eating her typing. Whew, I knew this one-- that damn Insert button which is good for nothing.
Also I talked to somebody at work who believes that if I show up for court on that speeding ticket, the arresting officer will not, and it will be dismissed. So I go June 6 and plead not guilty and then they set another date for the real court date.
I think Russell will be back around June 3 on his way to Chicago from New York. From his schedule, looks like he will be here a lot in June.
7-8 Wells Street Art Festival Chicago, IL
14-15 TBA
21-22 Royal Oak Clay and Glass Show Royal Oak, MI
27-29 Crosby Gardens Art Festival Toledo, OH
And June 7-12, I am watching Gus and Annette's dogs. Gus brought them over Sunday and I think they will be fine.
The fun never stops.