Monday, December 31, 2007

year-end wrap-up

The monkey says, "Happy New Year. Take this ridiculous outsuit off me."

Here's my handsome boy. Sorry, no picture of the girlfriend.

So to recount....

Went to Mexico Jan. 23-30. Got back to find out I was going to NYC for work on Feb. 10 and when I flew back, it was into the Winter Blast so I had to stay at the Detroit Airport Westin and drive back on Valentine's Day on treacherous roads.

Then I was in a play that was on stage in May. "You Can't Take it with You" I can hardly remember it now. Probably will have very clear, fond memories in about 25 years.

Plus my mom broke her leg in March so I was down there every Sunday until the end of June. And although I had made a whole new future for my mom, my sister comes along and changes everything. Which is a good thing, as otherwise I would have spent A LOT of time taking care of my mom (like Amy does with hers). Plus, it made me hoard my vacation so that I was able to take off long periods later in the year.

And Frank's dad died in March so my kids were home the week my play opened while I'm still going to see my mom in the nursing home.

Then I was in Chicago in April for some work training.

May was a lot of shows and the Memorial Day party. Plus I leased a new car. There were parties every weekend in June and July so it seems like I made deviled eggs every Saturday morning for weeks.

August, I went to Los Angeles for training and so I worked one day and then was off the week of Labor Day --> Swamp.

And then I started in on that kitchen remodel. First appointment at Home Depot, and this is after a lot of agonizing about what exactly I would do (ask Amy about the agonizing), was Sept. 24. And tomorrow I have to paint the window frame and it should be done. Four months, not bad. But it looks lovely.

After the Swamp, I worked a week and then went to NYC for a week for the lavish annual meetings of ABC execs. Was on the Live with Regis and Kelly show.

September brought the Blues Competition. And suddenly it was October. Which as you know, has a party every weekend.

I meant to go see Tom but I was out of energy and nearly out of cash. Nearly. Sort of.

And then it was Thanksgiving and then Christmas. Oh, except first, we went to Mexico again in December because it was our last chance to go for a while, now that Miss Jenks is in the land of the ice and snow. And wind. But blue skies.

Here's my New Year's resolution: To spend next Christmas on a beach somewhere, after having visited my kids during the extended holiday season. Sure there was the kitchen remodel and the relaunch of the "new and improved" to add extra hecticness but hey. Maybe I'll take the kids to Disney World.

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