Sunday, January 21, 2007

Oooooohhhh Mexico

So I am in a play. "You Can't Take it with You". Runs March 23-April 1 at the First United Methodist Church. I play Penny Sycamore, the ditzy mother of a family that includes Melissa in the foreground as my daughter Essie and those 2 other people who are the servants, Rheba and Donald. They're supposed to be black people as you could do that politically incorrect stuff when this play was writtin 1936. So now they're just crackers. We had our first read-through today and there are still 5 men's parts that are unfilled. Anybody feeling thespian-ish?

Saturday night, we went to see the Danger Brothers out at Olscamp Hall as the entertainment after the Realtors annual dinner. Everyone was really drunk but didn't have the manners to clap when the band finished a song. Here are Paul Yon and Ann Bowers dancing.

Friday night, I had some wimmen over for pasta and salad and bread and wine. A lot of wine. Then I called Dan and Luci who showed up and we drank more wine. Sheesh.

Tuesday, Mexico. I will post to the blog but no pictures until I return. Mmmm, 85 degrees every day. I will have a drink for each and every one of you.

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