Then we went to see Bernard Allison at the Ark. He was outstanding.

He still has that cute bass player, Jason Wilbur.

He went out into the crowd and found a kid to strum his strings, as we have seen him do before.

The only reason I include this picture is (1) this woman in the red top was passed out from before the intermission until the show as over and (2) the bald spot guy was banging on the bar rail in front of us like a wild man. And not in a good way. I would have told him to stop but I was afraid he would break off his beer bottle and brandish it at me. I was trying to figure out how far back I was going to have to stand to kickbox him in the head.

So we get up Saturday and leave for Athens. We got to Ro's about 4. Here's Annie in her yard.

Here's Ro's kitchen.

This baby, Meto, is about the happiest baby in the universe. His mom is from the Marshall Islands and his dad is a poet.

At the fest, it was very sunny. The crowd wasn't all that big but the organizers thought it was a giant improvement from last year, so that's good. I bought a wrought iron thing that holds a candle and a book by Gabriel Whitney.

Some guy erected this giant lit-up cross on a hill in memory of his wife.

Some festers on the blankie.

Todd Snider. He was great. I bought a t-shirt.

Then Leon Redbone played and he was crabby. He kept complaining about the sound level but we couldn't tell if he meant it or if it's part of his shtick.

Brave Combo knocked everybody's sox off. People were dancing like dervishes.

The BC bass player is hot.

So it's GNO Wednesday which has been moved to Beckett's because of the heat. Thursday there's purportedly a fish fry at Donna's or at JJ's if they can talk him into having it because he has a pool. Friday, off to Columbus. Saturday, the Kling riboff. You rest, you rust.