Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Another fabulous cheap meal

Last night, I made this macaroni and cheese, roasted broccoli and parmesan-encrusted pork chops.

OMG, delish all. Now, let me say there was enough mac n cheese and broccoli for 4 already so if I had had one more chop, it woulda been dinner for 4. Cost? About $20. $5 per person. Less than fast food.

Even with the $6 worth of cheese in the mac, it's still cheap eats.

Granted, this was not a particularly quick meal as you have to stir up a cream sauce that you add the cheese to but if pushed, I could have had it on the table in an hour.

Another bargain I've been meaning to post about is Meijer razors. No more $13 for 4 new Venus blades. The Meijer brand cost me $6.50 for a new razor that came with 2 blades. Refills are about $6 for 4. They work great.

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