Monday, April 21, 2008


First, let me say: DO NOT CLICK TO SEE THE COMMENTS TO MY BLOG. They are some kind of virus thing. Now, I've disabled all comments except by invitation so just email me your comments.

So here are the pictures in no particular order. These 40 bronze steers are in a park in downtown Dallas. We went there about 11:30 a night and so were the only people there. This was right after we saw the Book Depository and the Grassy Knoll and the X in the street where the fateful deed occurred.

At the Texas State Fair Grounds, Fair Park, there were a lot of statues, like this on the Women's Building.

The last day we ate at Sonny Bryan's, mmmm, brisket sandwich and onion rings and cole slaw and carrot cake. There are many Sonny Bryan's but this is the original. Or so I am told.

Mural at Fair Park.

Los Lonely Boys on the stage at the GreenAppleFestival which wins this week's Worst Website Ever award. Hardly anyone attended this although it was free after $8 to park.

At the Arboretum. Some topiari longhorns.

More Lonely Boys.

White Rock Lake which lies in the middle of Dallas and is formed by some dam, that we visited as we did the wild parakeets which live at a power plant near there.

Karen's living room.

Karen's house.

Junior Brown at the GreenAppleFest.

Cute girl in short dress, cowboy boots and hat.

House in the Arboretum.

The community garden in east Dallas.

Frog fountain at the Arboretum.

"Gulf Cloud," a statue at Fair Park by Miss Clyde Chandler, sculptress.

Mural on some building across the street from where we looked at cowboy boots in a consignment store.

Erykah Badu's house. By the lake.

A dad with four kids at the Fair Park fest.

Dave Rummel took some phone pix at the Granada but alas, they are too small to post.
Also, went to see "Young at Heart," a movie about an old folks' singing group, that was great.

And here's the Aldrege House where Karen and Wendell got married.

And we drank at the Libertine and the Balcony Club and Chuy's where we ate the first day before shopping around in Pottery Barn and Z Galerie and Crate & Barrel and Smith & Hawken and Froggy's and Restoration Hardware. It was a wonderful time. The weather was perfect and everything was lush and in bloom.

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