Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Week whatever

I thought I would blog my unemployment-- all the looking for and finding a job, the stuff I did to keep busy, how many little projects I got accomplished around the house.

But mostly lately it has boiled down to 2 or 3 hours on the internet in the morning, looking for a job, applying so I have 2 contacts to write down for the unemployment requirement and then a lot of aimless crap. Netflix streaming (Twilight Zone and just today, Breaking Bad), Angry Birds, Facebook. I haven't even painted the ceiling in my kitchen yet.

This last week I have done a lot of organizing/tidying up/Harvest party prep out at the farm. It is a beautiful time of year out there, with the corn all around and the fall colors and the blue skies. And all the stars at night.

I'm at the point where I believe no one will hire an old person. The web manager job at BGSU was posted, I applied and now they're interviewing and I didn't even get a call. I spend a lot of time plotting out freelance kind of work; this week it's been becoming a personal helper/organizer kind of thing. In weeks past, it was website upkeep. And stuff now I can't even remember.

The money is holding out OK but it won't forever, or at least long enough to start cashing in on my PERS retirement or my savings/investments. Which I haven't looked at in forever because I don't want to know how little it may have become. If I can stay on unemployment for the total 99 weeks, it will segue nicely with my 59 and a half years of age requirement to get my investments and then I'll only have 5 months til PERS retirement. It's a lovely scenario. I hope it works out.

And I don't even practice my guitar enough. Or keep my house immaculately clean. And what happened to my get-rich-quick scheme of keeping up the Studies Show website? And I flunked the Leapforce search engine evaluator exam although they are letting me take it again, oddly enough.

Plus I should be cooking. Maybe with the onset of cooler fall weather, I will be inspired. I did buy a chunk of Tillamook (County Jail (Todd song)) cheddar to make mac and cheese, which I've found a couple new recipes for in my continuing search for the perfect mac and cheese. This one looks pretty tempting.

At least I haven't started drinking in the daytime. Or worked myself up so that I can't sleep. Although I did eat about 350 calories of ice cream tonight. It. Was. Delicious.

At the gym today, I heard on 93.5 that Bob Kelly is doing a radio show again because as he says, "Retirement costs just as much as non-retirement." At least I'm going to the gym.

Today on CSPAN, I saw members of Congress grilling the CEO of Google about how their algorithms for good search are constantly changing and how are businesses to deal with that? Google is a service for those businesses. And however the search results come up, then bully for the business that has passed the Google test. Is how I look at it. How can they be faulted for continuing to improve their process?

Since I posted last (except for a few photos), we had the Labor Day party which was windy and breezy but a success overall, the Swamp which was a miracle of bad weather missing us and the formation of a book club, meeting monthly.

And I booked 4 flights to Austin from various airports for December.

Plus I have all this cat drama. The Big got a scratch apparently in a cat attack and is healing slowly but seems to be more with it and friendly than he had been. But now it's been 3 days since Kitty Witty has eaten out of her bowl and hardly ever comes in the house.

Yay! Modern Family is back.

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