Thursday, January 14, 2010

Continued variable

Yesterday we were able to sun from about 11 to 3 and then the clouds set back in. But in the meantime it was beautiful.

Had a ribeye at El Bistro at Lo Tortuga which was pretty good except (1) it wasn´t a ribeye and (2) they apparently have no concept of medium rare. More drinking of whiskey ensued at Fusion 2 spots south of us. In the night I could faintly hear the thumpy music at the Blue Parrot but it was more like a heartbeat in the background.

I see Haiti has been whacked by an earthquake. Hmmm, hope the rest of the world is still out there. Have not shopped for much except a little bride and groom doll. Haven´t been up to the Mega for supplies or nuthin. Yesterday the brain vagueness of total vacation set in.

Had breakfast at La Cueva del Chango this morning where I had some chicken crepes with poblano sauce that were sinfully rich. Just the way I like em.

1 comment:

Salir Oatez said...

Funny, I have experieneced the same non-ribeye in MX before.