Thursday, February 16, 2012


It's about impossible to describe my life now. Most days I'm dealing with the business: meeting contractors at the site for quotes and approvals, lining up vendors, discussing logos, working on the website, the menus, the promotional materials, thinking about the design of the non-kitchen space.

Yesterday, I went out to see that the walls had been studded in for two sides of the kitchen and to OK the remaining two walls. The concrete has been sawed for the plumbing. Tomorrow I need to order the cooking equipment. And meet a guy about the phone and internet service.

Today, we angsted over the takeout containers. I wanted to get it down to the least common denominators of types of containers, which we did, although I have not cooked in any of them yet.

Tonight was book club, where we discussed the book for an hour and then discussed the business for an hour, where I picked up many interesting and useful tips. Mainly, people are not clear on what exactly the place will be doing or serving, so I need to crystallize that and get it out to my audience.

I thought my friend Doug could do a logo, but alas, he showed me some graphics but what I'm looking for is a logo TYPE so I made some of those in Photoshop tonight that I need to show to a sign guy.

The place will be called Good To Go. That's it. No more debate. I'm just waiting for the Stimmel's people to get the rest of their shelving and display racks out of there so I can start on the design of the front of the business. I've decided I'll have a few tables so if people want to eat their takeout food in there, they can, but no table service.

I've talked to tax accountants, and decided that with Quickbooks, Amy can do my accounting and we can do payroll by hand until I get dozens of employees. And I got a vendor's license. And a business checking account. And while I thought I wanted to get a fancy POS cash register system, I think now I will just opt for the credit card/check reader and buy some regular cash register.

I just want to get in there and cook, which I still plan to do by the middle of March, with opening being April 2, which is 6 weeks away.

The BG loan people didn't meet last week like I thought they were going to so I'm still up in the air about that but I'm forging on with the individual loans and retirement money I've invested so far.

The architect is working on the drawings to submit to the building code folks and the health dept.

Tomorrow I will make a decision on who will install the range hood and pay Ed for some of the work he's done.

I need to find some kitchen help. And firm up who of my friends will work when. And talk to produce vendors, names of some of whom I got tonight at book club.


Also my mom DID get out of the nursing home and I spent three working days down there dealing with that and I had to do follow-up correspondence today with the guy who's dealing with her Medicaid application. But I haven't heard from my mom or sister in a week so that's good in the "no news is good news" way.


Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Woo hoo!!!!

Today I turned in my BG loan application and Sue Clark, the director there, was enthusiastic, pointing out that that's the direction the city is expanding and that my place is a GREAT IDEA (where have I heard that before??). The committee meets toward the end of next week. She cautioned me not to "undercapitalize" so maybe they'll give me even more than I asked for. Although as you know, I am trying to borrow as little as possible. She pointed out that, as it's a change in use, I also need to submit my plan to the city planning committee, but sort of indicated that it was a formality. I had to admit I have no experience in quantity food production but I'm sure my enthusiasm makes up for it. LOL.

I also went to the bank and set up my business checking account and the bank manager told me the SBA specialist and she are meeting tomorrow to discuss my options for an SBA loan.

Still getting insurance quotes. Although I have one solid one from my own peeps so if all else fails, they're on. For $770 year, under what I've budgeted.

Started on the website today. Will work on content and develop as time goes along. Website. No prob.

My mom is getting out of the nursing home tomorrow so after my meeting with Ed and the architect, I'm shooting down there to stock her fridge and get her meds together and take down her Christmas decorations.

Tonight, it's GNO at Cindy P's and I'm taking chicken salad and deviled eggs and thumbprint cookies and brie/crackers (gluten-free) and cashews and a box of chocolates left over from Xmas and stuffed dates. And plenty o wine. Let's party, wimmen!